Saturday, July 18, 2015

You can short your securities and make money

I laugh every time I get  an email from the public when the stock market goes down or crashes. These people think that they are upsetting me saying things like, "How is that stock market treating you?" Just that sentence tells me that the writer knows nothing about the market or what I am doing in the market.  My market strategy has change a lot since the early  1970s and so has the market.


At that time, the options market was not open like it is to the public today. Back them, companies sold warrants in the market place and I could buy the warrants or short them as I pleased.  When a warrant was about 2 to 3 years before expiration, I would short them. Then buy them back 3 month before expiration. "I called it free money."  But now hardly any company sells warrants that I can borrow. The options market took its place.  Oh, you don't know what I am talking about? Let's take a class on short selling!


We will use the information from Michael Griffis and Lita Epstein, book  "Trading For Dummies, 3rd Edition." You can buy it at any book store.


Selling stocks short is common in the trading world. When you sell a stock short, you sell something you don’t have first and buy it later with a goal of profiting from a falling stock price. To sell a stock short, you borrow shares of a stock from your broker to sell them in the open market. Your broker gets those shares from its own inventory, or from other clients.


The proceeds of that sale go into your account. To close that position, you must buy the shares on the open market and return them to the broker. If the price you pay for the stock, or the buy-to-cover price, is less than your selling price, you’ve earned a profit on the short sale. Conversely, if the buy-to-cover price is higher, you’ve suffered a loss.


Say you borrow 100 shares and sell the shares short for $100 per share. When the price drops to $80 per share, you buy the shares back and return them to your broker. You sold the stock for $100 per share and bought it back for $80, netting a profit of $20 per share. It’s the same if you purchase the stock for $80 and sell it later for $100.


Conversely, say you borrow 100 shares of Company Y and sell them for $100 per share. The stock price rises to $120 per share, and you decide to cover your loss. You buy back the shares and pay $120 per share, but you sold them for $100 per share. You have lost $20 per share on this trade.


Some of the quirks that are unique to selling stocks short include:


·         Paying dividends to the lender.

If the stocks pay a dividend during the time a short seller holds a position, short sellers pay the dividends on the ex-dividend date to the people who loaned them the stocks. Short sellers need to keep the ex-dividend date in mind whenever shorting stocks.


·         Being forced to close a position.

Whenever the original owner sells the stocks you borrowed, your broker can call away the shorted shares, which means your broker can force you to return the borrowed shares by buying them on the open market at the current price. This happens rarely and occurs only when no shares are available for shorting.


·         Mandating the execution of short sales from only a margin account.

Short sales must be executed in a margin account because your broker loans you the stock to sell short and charges you interest on any margin balance in the account.


·         Paying margin maintenance requirements.

Your broker can force you to close a short position if you’re unable to satisfy maintenance margin requirements.


·         Having no or only minimal access to selling some stocks short.

Lightly traded stocks may be unavailable for selling short, and when they can be sold short, they may be more likely to be called away (which happens when the original owner sells the stock you borrowed and your broker is unable to borrow additional shares).


·         Restricting short sales on certain stocks.

You can’t short a stock that’s less than $5 per share, and you can’t short initial public offerings (IPOs), usually for 30 days following the IPO. And, as became evident during the credit crisis, regulators can prohibit short selling on whole categories of stocks.


·         Limiting short selling to only stocks on an uptick.

This uptick rule was eliminated in July 2007, but a modified version was implemented again in 2010. The essence of the old rule was that you couldn’t sell a stock short in a falling market. Short sellers could not easily pile into a falling stock. The 2010 rule does not apply to all securities.

Today it’s only triggered when a security’s price decreases by 10 percent or more from the previous day’s closing price. The rule then stays in effect until the close of the next day. However, many people consider this new version of the rule to be ineffective.


One unusual aspect of shorting is that it creates future buying pressure. Every shorted sale must be covered, and that means that every share of stock that’s been shorted must be repurchased. Future buying pressure can cause the price of a heavily shorted stock to jump dramatically if all the short sellers simultaneously clamor to get out of their positions as the price rises, a situation called a short squeeze.


You can find out how many others are shorting the stock by looking at short-interest statistics published in Barron’s and Investor’s Business Daily near the end of each month. From those statistics, you get some idea whether your short position is likely to be squeezed.


Now let's test what you have learned here!


1. If a stock closed on Tuesday, July 14 and you want to short that stock the next day. That means that, the short sell is only triggered when a security’s price decreases by 10 percent or more from the previous day’s closing price.  (True or False)


2. If the stocks pay a dividend during the time a short seller holds a position, the dividend is not paid. (True or False)


3.  Short sales must be executed in a __________ account. A) Cash; B) Margin; C) 401K: D) 521.  


4. Your broker can force you to return the borrowed shares by buying them on the open market at the current price. That means that you may take a loss or a profit. (True or False)


5. All stocks can be shorted. (True or False)


6. Your broker can force you to close a short position if you’re unable to satisfy maintenance margin requirements. (True or False)


7. You have not borrowed any money in a short sell so your broker cannot force you to satisfy maintenance margin requirements since you have no margin requirements. (True or False)


8. You can’t short a stock that’s less than $5 per share. (True or False)


9. You can’t short initial public offerings (IPOs), for at least 30 days following the IPO. (True or False)


10. Short Sellers must understand that a loss when short selling is unlimited.  (True or False)




1. True

2.  False

3.  B) Margin

4. True

5.  False

6. True

7.  False

8.  True

9. True

10.  True


If you got one or none wrong, you got an "A". You are ready to start short selling.

If you got two wrong, you got a "B".  You can start some limited shorting.

If you got three wrong, you better use short with the help of a broker.

If you got four wrong, read up on the subject before you short stocks.

If you got more than 4 wrong, stock with buying stocks and bonds.


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