Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Making Double Digit Gains for at least 6 years

Financial Analyst and Activist Darnell L Williams

Well it is time for you to start calling me names again. I have been telling you how to take a risk to make money. If you already have a 401K or a IRA that allows you to buy individual corporate bonds then you can do everything  that I can do.  That means that instead of calling me a braggart, you can make money yourself.   

          My favorite Bonds for December 2014           

ID                            Name of Bond                                                                S&P   Current Price  YTM

085789AE5   Berry Pete Co. Sr. Nt. 6.75% of 11/01/2020                       BB-   $800.00         12.346%

18683KAA9  Cliffs Natural Resources Inc. Notes 5.9% of 3/15/2020     BB-  $580.00         19.078%   

18683KAF8   Cliffs Natural Resources Bond 01/15/2018                         BB-   $655.00          21.56%

492914AS5   Key Energy Service s Inc. GLBL NT 6.75% of 3/01/2021    BB-   $610.00          14.69%

Here are 4 bonds that I bought in the past 8 days.  I am getting a "Yield to Maturity" (YTM) from last week to January 15, 2018 with an average Yield of 16.9185%. Then my average YTM interest will be from January 16, 2018 to March 15, 2020, 15.371%.  From March 15, 2020 to November 1, 2020, my YTM interest will be 13.518%. From November 2, 2020 to March 1, 2021, my YTM interest will be 14.69%.

So as you can see, I will get high yields for the next 6 years. The risk is that anyone of these companies can go out of business. If that happens, I may not get my principle from one or more of these securities. That is the risk I am taking to make this money.  These bonds are at the high end of the junk bond range (BB+ to C-). I never buy anything lower than B-.  

Now remember, don't hate, appreciate!

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